Frequently asked questions

What courses are available right now?

Visit our courses to see what is available! We currently have an on-demand, eLearning course on Person-Directed Living and a virtual, live group course on Leading Empowered Cultures available.

Who is our education designed for?

Person-Directed Living is geared toward the direct care workforce in nursing homes, assisted living, and private homes. It is also appropriate for nursing, activities, recreation, therapy, and any other staff who have contact with elders, including support team members such as office/administration, dining, housekeeping/custodial, and volunteers.

Leading Empowered Cultures is designed for leaders–C-suite leaders, administrators, and managers.

How does access work?

We will be offering various types of courses through EmpowerED, with different access types. The Person-Directed Living course is offered through the EmpowerED eLearning platform, while Leading Empowered Cultures will be offered through virtual meetings.

Who is our consulting best for?

Our consulting is a great option for those who are interested in cultural transformation, but are unable to build or renovate extensively at this time. If an organization is interested in building or renovating, we recommend that you contact our partner, The Green House Project.